


助理注册主任-毕业: Chrissy Ray
(435) 283-7142

Students are encouraged to track their progress towards graduation via Degree Works. 学生可以通过MySnow门户网站、Badger Web或网站访问学位作品 dwdkfl.bb4vz.com/degreeworks.  


  • Sixty total credits are required for an Associate Degree, a minimum of thirty-four 一定是通识教育学分吗.
  • 学生必须符合以下居民学分标准. 常驻学分是指学分 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行. 通过AP, CLEP, PLA获得的大学学分,考试学分; 而其他非传统授予的学分则不符合这些标准.
    1. Baccalaureate degrees require 30 resident credits, all of which must be upper-division.
    2. 副学士学位需要15学分.
    3. Technical Education Certificates require 4 resident credits or 25% of the program, 取较高者.
    4. 完成证书需要8学分.
    5. 熟练证书要求4个居民学分.
    6. 奖励要求所需学分的100%为居民学分.
  • 累积平均绩点为C (2).00美元或更高的工资必须在完成工作后才能获得 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行.
  • C- (1.在数学(MA),英语(E1)的GE组中要求7)或更高 & E2)和美国机构(AI).
  • 分数低于1000的课程被视为大学预科或补习课程. These do NOT 在学生的毕业GPA或毕业学分中计算.
  • Courses only count once towards graduation unless the Curriculum Committee approves 课程“可重复”.
  • The following courses are cross-listed, non-repeatable courses which means they are considered the SAME course and only one can be counted toward a degree (not both):
    • BUS 1110 & COMM 1800 -数码媒体工具
    • BUS 1210 & HFST 1210 - Personal & 消费金融
    • EDUC 2400 & SW 2400 -多样化的人口
    • HFST 1500 & PSY 1100 -人类发展(前身为发展心理学)
    • ENGL 1010 & ENGL 1005 -说明文作文
    • ENGL 2010 & ENGL 2014 -中间成分
    • GEO 1950 & DRON 1950 -无人机维修 & Construction
    • GEO 2845 & DRON 2845 -无人机操作 & Safety Cert.
    • GEO 2846 & DRON 2846 -无人机应用
  • Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended must be submitted 去网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行. 转学GPA不与网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行GPA一起计算.
  • 所有学生账户必须全额支付. 不颁发文凭和学位 如有未偿债务.
  • A student in continuous enrollment in regular fall and spring semesters 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行 must, for purposes of meeting graduation requirements, elect to meet requirements 在进入大学或毕业时生效. If enrollment 被打断时,学生必须选择满足当时有效的要求 返校或毕业时间.
  • Credits not earned within the five years prior to the time of graduation from Snow 学院可能会接受学术标准委员会和学术标准委员会的审查 有关部门.

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的学生在大多数情况下只能获得一个学位. Students may 没有获得两个普通副学士学位(i.e. 理学副学士(AS)或副学士 of Arts (AA)). 这意味着学生只能申报和获得一个元专业 或主修一般副学士学位.  

In specific circumstances, students may receive two separate degrees from Snow College. 它们如下: 

  • 如果学生完成学业,网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行将颁发多个证书 每个证书的必要要求.
  • 学生可以获得两个学位,如果他们在不同的水平(e.g. a certificate 副学士学位或副学士学位和学士学位).
  • 如果学生获得专业或应用领域的副学士学位(如.g. AAS, APE, 他们也可以获得普通副学士学位(AS或AA)。.
  • A second bachelor degree may be awarded when all requirements for both degrees are satisfied, if at least 30 credits of course work is different and residential requirements are met.


网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的每个学位或课程都有其独特的要求. Please see the 学位和课程 部分,以确定您的学位的具体要求.


完整的通识教育信息,请访问GE目录 page. Courses that meet 通识教育 requirements will include the following GE codes 在课程描述中发现 here



  • AI:美国机构
  • E1 & E2:  English
  • FA:  Fine Arts
  • FND:  Foundations
  • HU:  Humanities
  • IE:综合勘探
  • LB:自然科学实验室
  • LS:生命科学
  • MA:量化素养(数学)
  • PS:物理科学
  • SS:社会科学


The GE Committee has approved the following substitutions for the designated GE areas: 


  • ART 1110制图1
  • ART 1120二维表面
  • ART 1130 3D空间
  • ART 1140 4D时间
  • ART 1150图一


  • BIOL 2320/2325 -人体解剖学,带实验室
  • BIOL 2420/2425 -人体生理学,带实验室
    • 截至2024年秋季, BOTH courses & 他们的实验室必须完成生命科学GE


  • PHYS 2010和PHYS 2015 -大学物理I / lab
  • PHYS 2020和PHYS 2025 -大学物理II带实验室
  • 物理2210和物理2215 -物理学的科学家 & 工程师1 /实验室
  • 物理2220和物理2225 -物理学的科学家 & 二级工程师/实验室


Transfer credit from other regionally accredited institutions may be used to satisfy 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的通识教育要求. 学生必须提供转学证明 Articulation Specialist with official transcripts from all colleges and universities 他们都参加过. 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行接受以下学分转换 criteria:

  • Courses must be non-remedial in nature and must be generally acceptable toward a degree or certificate.
  • For course credits to transfer 去网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行, the student must have earned a passing 课程成绩. 这用相当于“D-”或更好的“或”来表示 a "P". 为了满足一个项目的要求,转学的课程必须达到最低要求 课程规定的成绩和学分要求.
  • 课程必须出现在发送机构的正式成绩单上. Transcripts 不接受发给学生的.
  • 可接受的转学分数量没有限制.
  • Transfer courses will not be accepted from other institutions for the purpose of posting 以前在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行修过的一门课程的年级变化.
  • 转学分评估需经过审核和重新评估.
  • 转学分应在注册前至少三周收到.
  • Credit obtained from an institution that is not regionally accredited may be reviewed 以每门课为基础. 可能需要课程描述和/或课程大纲 为了评估信用.
  • 转学学分的GPA不计算在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的GPA中.
  • 军事训练学分,提交一个DD214. 
  • 在国外高等教育机构获得学分的学生必须提交一份 成绩单的核证副本 SpanTran证书评估

学生可以在转学后将学分转回网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行 完成雪学院的毕业要求. The student must send an official transcript 去网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行 with the credit the student wants 适用于他或她的毕业审计. 成绩单寄出后,请查收 请按以上号码与毕业办公室联系.


Any USHE (Utah System of Higher Education) institution shall consider its General Education requirements completed by transfer students who have completed the General 任何其他USHE机构的教育要求. 应转移请求 students, a sending institution shall provide certification when students have fully 完成了通识教育的要求. 请联系注册办公室提出申请 certification.


所有申请学位的学生都必须提交毕业申请. There 申请是免费的吗. 毕业申请不同于注册步行 在毕业典礼上. 建议学生根据以下内容进行申请 dates.

  • Fall四月的最后一个星期一
  • Spring十月的最后一个星期一
  • Summer三月的最后一个星期一

Ideally, students should apply after completion of approximately 30 credits, but students 强烈建议在最后一个学期之前申请. Doing so 是否有助于确保所需的课程和学分的数量可以采取 完成学位要求. 学生可以通过BadgerWeb门户网站Snow进行申请 大学注册 webpage, or by submitting a completed graduation application form to the Graduation/Registrar's 格林伍德学生中心的办公室.


In order to evaluate the quality of the education students receive 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行, each graduate is asked to take an assessment and complete a survey before graduation. 这项调查是对学生对这所大学的总体看法的评估. The results 有关的评估和调查是保密的. 他们不会出现在成绩单上 与毕业与否无关. 所有学生的结果被合并到 provide faculty, administration, and the Utah Board of Regents information about the 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行学生的知识和意见.


Students who have completed all graduation requirements and have earned a cumulative 以下是网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的平均成绩,将以优异成绩毕业. Only courses 成绩在1000分或以上才算入合格绩点.

  • 3.90 - 4.以优异成绩毕业
  • 3.75 - 3.89名优等生
  • 3.50 - 3.74 Cum Laude


毕业典礼是对学生成功的庆祝. 所有毕业候选人 被邀请参加. 在这个仪式上,学生将被表彰 reaching their goals and joining the ranks of the select number of people worldwide 谁有专上学位.

Commencement occurs at the end of Spring Semester and includes all students who have graduated the preceding Fall Semester and those who will graduate in the current Spring 学期,或本学年的夏季学期之后. 学院举办 two commencement ceremonies, one on the Ephraim campus and one on the Richfield campus.  The college may also have a separate convocation for the four-year degree recipients. 仪式的日期由既定的日历程序确定.

更多关于毕业典礼的信息可以在这里找到 here.


Any person who feels he or she may need special accommodations connected with the graduation ceremonies may contact the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator at (435) 283-7321.


The Honors Program Graduation Recognition Award is given to students who successfully 完成荣誉课程的要求. 荣誉课程试图提供一个 deeper, more engaging experience in general education, giving students a solid foundation 为了进一步的智力工作.

Students who complete the program have successfully written and presented an Honors 论文或项目,这是荣誉课程的最高成就. 这个成就 showcases the values of the Honors Program: engagement, interdisciplinary learning, 师徒并进,师资力量雄厚.

To complete the program, have a permanent honors designation on the student's transcript, 要想在毕业典礼上得到认可,学生必须做到以下几点:

  1. Complete the online application for the Snow College Honors Program available at (dwdkfl.bb4vz.com/honors),然后被录取.
  2. By taking Honors classes or through co-curricular points, earn 14 Honors Points for the two-year Honors Program option, or 11 Honors Points for the one-year option (for 入学时学分超过30学分的学生.)
  3. Complete the Honors section of GNST 1200 (Foundations) and HONR 2900 (Honors Capstone).
  4. 作为HONR 2900的一部分,完成一份电子作品集和一篇论文或项目.

For additional information about the Honors Program requirements and how to earn Honors 积分,咨询荣誉网页:  dwdkfl.bb4vz.com/honors


The 服务学习学者表彰奖 is designed for students interested 透过社区服务提升他们的教育经验. 通过这个项目, students address real community issues by providing service to and learning from people 在犹他州中部及其他地区. 学生将提高他们的学术经验与 他们通过增加公民参与获得知识和意识. At the same time, they will be helping others and building personal character, becoming better 社会成员. 服务学者毕业生必须完成以下内容:

  • 综合服务项目(ISP)
  • 150小时服务时间(100小时来自ISP外)
  • GNST 1100(公民参与概论 & 的服务培训)
  • 8学时服务学习课程(包括GNST 1100)


  • 毕业典礼上的特别表彰
  • 成绩证书
  • 在他们的成绩单上有服务学习的区别

For additional information or for a list of qualified service learning courses, please go to dwdkfl.bb4vz.com/servicelearning